- - - they are the culmination of his LOVE of everything that he learned over the years in his artistic career - . . . he loved to work with ‘graphics’ of all kinds - - from etchings and aquatints, lithography,and the challenges of silkscreen . . . this gave him the ability and curiosity to explore ‘painting’ using the silkscreen method !
I have often ‘heard’ how “he retouched each print by hand” !
Not true, strictly speaking . . .!
When he worked with one chosen subject, he would ‘examine’ each plate (equaling each colour) minutely, and then decide when it was ready “to go”. . to print . . .
He was a most ‘exacting’ Editor . . . of his own work!
ONLY THEN when he decided that the Edition was ready, did he re-examine each page
before signing EACH print over a special
seal to guard against ‘forgeries’ . . .
( after the Edition had been counted and numbered - - usually by me ! ) on the bottom right-hand corner of the paper . . . . or signing the canvas editions with a special indelible-ink pen. |
( Nicola Simbari checking the quality and colours of “LILY” at his printing Studio [Bottega del Arte] in Frascati (Italy) . . . )
© Elfrida 2010
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