“She is Juno when she walks ”
Ben Jonson (1573-1637)
sister, wife, daughter . . . stranger
Juno, the graceful Goddess
She is - - -
the figure walking on the beach . . . the girl sitting on a wall . . .
the woman carrying driftwood or a water jug on her head . . .
she is the peasant - the model - the flower-vendor -
she is supremely elegant in her simplicity . . .
SHE is WOMAN . . .
In all her mystery and her natural beauty . . .
SHE is
favourite “subject” . . . . . !
“Afternoon in Procida” | Retablo in Silkscreen | ©SIMBARI |
When first she gleamed upon my sight,
I saw her, upon nearer view,
A Spirit, yet a woman too!”
To warm, to comfort, and command;
And yet, a Spirit still, and bright
With something of Angelic Light.”
“She was a phantom of delight”
. . . from the traditions of Southern Italy, Greece and the Middle East, over centuries, women have acquired a natural elegance and demeanour, as they go about their daily lives . . . protecting themselves from the sun’s glare - |
- - - they wear colourful shawls, and carry bright umbrellas -
- - !
gathering drift-wood on the beaches – - -
selling their fruit and flowers the marketplaces - - -
“Cestino di Fiori” Oil on Canvas ©SIMBARI Here Simbari shows his great Respect and Admiration for ‘WOMAN’ . . . ! in the flower seller |
or the fruit vendor in the market place . . To walk in Naples, or Mexico City. or . . . . . THERE you see her - - a SIMBARI “inspiration” . . |
Who is
Sylvia? What is she, That all the swains commend her? Holy, fair and wise is she, The Heaven such Grace did lend her, That she admired might be. Shakespeare “Two Gentlemen of Verona” |
The supreme simplicity, the lack of guile, effortless beauty of a woman. is in her walk . . . no words are needed, no “fashion statement” expressed, and yet, the eye is drawn towards her. As a girl, I was taught to walk with ‘the comportment of a young lady’ . . . Balancing books upon my head !! . . . not allowed to drag my feet . . . or stride across the room in a “manly” fashion . . . or ‘slouch’ at the table! “Maria”
Retablo in silkscreen ©Simbari |
As they return from their
work . . . umbrellas protecting from the mid-day sun . . . . . a Southern Italian scene often painted by Simbari . . . Remembering his early days in Calabria ! . . . “Les Parapluies”
silkscreen print ©Simbari |
The Magical Umbrella . . . a Simbari classic - - - ! “Serena”
Reatablo in silkscreen ©Simbari “Serena” was one of the most popular Retablos in Silkscreen created by ‘La Bottega’ |
and then there are the WOMEN . . .
who are the basis of all families - - -
strong . . . beautiful in their strength . . .
magnificent in their
friendship and love . . .
For me, this is an exceptional ‘SIMBARI’ !
His Southwest Collection was exciting and heralded a “new” side to his
Genius . . . there are only a very small number of works in this
‘collection’ and each one is exciting and unique - - -
Yet, I find his “BLUES” suggestive of the Mediterranean Air! . . .
I am THERE . . . with the summer
breezes softly touching my hair and
skin !
acrylic on canvas and retablo in silkscreen printed on paper and/or canvas ©Simbari This is the Magic of the Mediterranean - - - Whether it is Italy . . . |
The South of France . . . [St.Tropez] “Mimosa” Retablo in silkscreen ©Simbari It matters not WHO “she” is ! “I” am “her” - - - free . . . ‘on holiday’ ! ! |
Greece . . .
acrylic on canvas ©Simbari . . . a place of mystery . . . never forgotten! |
Anywhere . . . !
“Sardinian Straw Hat”
acrylic on canvas ©Simbari As Juno works her MAGIC on the eye . . . on US - - - |
. . . is The Goddess of Beauty . . .
and these are a “taste” of a Master Artist’s “homage” . . .
© Elfrida 2010
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